
IEEE ICDM 2009 Acceptance

My paper titled "A Linear-time Graph Kernel", co-authored with Prof. Kashima, has been accepted as a regular paper at IEEE ICDM 2009 which will be held in Miami this December.
It seems still a tough competition. Only less than 10% of the submissions (70 out of 768) were accepted as regular papers.

It will be my 3rd time attendance to this conference, following ICDM 2005 in Texas and ICDM 2008 in Pisa.

I'm looking forward to giving my presentation, meeting some colleagues in the U.S., and also seeing beautiful Miami beach.

"A Linear-time Graph Kernel"という鹿島准教授との共著論文がマイアミで12月に開かれるIEEE ICDM2009にRegular論文として通りました。またまた厳しい競争率で、RegularのAccept率は10%以下(768投稿のうち70本)だそうです。


Researcher in exhibition

I will go to Yokohama the AT International 2009 which is a popular Japanese automotive event tomorrow.

Of course, I'm not an automotive guy. A support docent at my company's booth is my duty for introducing our failure detection technologies. Do you think this is researcher's work? Yes, every novel and worth to try "real-world" problem should be found in the real-world, not on the web.

明日は横浜のAT International 2009という車イベントに行ってきます。スーツ着て。




PAKDD2009 report

I went to Bangkok, Thailand for the 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery from Database (PAKDD2009) at the end of April.

It is the most popular KDD conference in asian countries. Japanese researchers are the third most population in both submission and attendence.

The best paper is ``Clustering with Lower Bound on Similarity" by M.A.Hasan et al. which addresses how to choose the cluster centers efficiently in neighborhood-graph-based clustering. I saw some text analysis problems which are unique to Chinise or Thailand documents. The invited talk ``KDD for Body sensor network (BSN)" by Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang was very interesting for me. Time-series data from body-attached sensors can be now used for medial purposes with support of KDD methodologies.

I presented a work ``Trace Mining from Distributed Assembly Databases for Causal Analysis" (link) related to traceability issues on safty recalls in manufacturing industry. The proposed mining algorithm aims to efficiently does search among physically-distributed manufacturing databases in a depth-first manner with pruning.

Right before the conference, there were some political conflicts and the state-of-emergency had remained in Bangkok. However, once I entered the city, I didn't see anything dangerous or unpleased at all except high humidity. In addition, there is also swine flu issue for the attendees. Some presentations were cancelled or replaced with automatic ones with recorded voice. Even in such difficult situation, the conference has been successful. I was impressed that student staffs are very kind and helpful. In fact, it was truly the land of smile. I would like to appreciate the conference organizers.

Next year, PAKDD2010 will go to Hyderabad, India. The web site looks still under construction.


ベストペーパーはM.A.Hasanらの``Clustering with Lower Bound on Similarity"で、近傍グラフを使ったクラスタリング(クラスタ数kの代わりに類似度の下限を与えてグラフを作る)でクラスタ中心をどうやって効率的に選ぶかという話。テキストの話で、タイ語特有の問題があって面白かった。タイ語も単語間に空白が無いうえ、漢字もないので、全部ひらがなで書いてあるようなもので、外来語など目新しい意味的な区切りを見つけるのが難しい、など。招待講演の``KDD for Body sensor network"は、アプリケーションの話として非常に興味ぶかかった。体に着けたセンサーからの時系列情報に分類やクラスタリングなどKDD的な手法を適用することで、怪我などの異常状態を見つけたりする話をやってるらしい。今は片耳にかける3軸加速度センサーをメインにしてるようだけど、今後センサーはもっと増えるはずだと。

自分は以前やった製造業のリコールでどう原因部品を絞り込んで効率化するかという問題をマイニングに帰着させた``Trace Mining from Distributed Assembly Databases for Causal Analysis"をプレゼン(link) 。物理的に散らばってる組み立てデータベース間をうまく枝刈りしながら深さ優先でたどっていく。やっと世の中に出せたということで、一安心。




The beginning

I'm Shohei Hido at IBM Research Tokyo.

Finally I decided to start blogging mainly on my research around machine learning and data mining, both in English and Japanese. First I will add posts about the past events. See how it goes.

Note that there is nothing related to the businesses of my company.






I attended the 19th T-PRIMAL seminar.

Dr. Shinichi Nakajima from Nikon talked about image recognition and Visual Object Classes Challenge which is an yearly contest including image classification, detection, and segmentation on flickr images. The most interesting point is that the output of image classifiers can be used in the more-primitive task, image detection, though image classification should be harder than image detection in nature. "There must be a sheep in this image, but where?"

In the same way, I suppose we might get something wrong by converting a primal problem A into another problem B, which looks easier, but is actually more difficult. In terms of computational complexity, it is easy to turn a problem into a harder alternative. In this case, we should not give up trying to solve the problem A even if we could not solve the problem B at all.

In addition, we may be able to solve B by using the result of solving A as well as for image detection.


ニコンの中島さんが画像認識のコンテスト、VOC Challengeについて講演。flickrから集めた画像に含まれる20種類の物体(牛とか飛行機とか)のタグ付け(Classification)や、物体の範囲検出(Detection)ピクセル毎の分類(Segmentation)などがタスク。面白かったのは、VOC2008でClassificationの予測出力をDetectionに利用したチームが勝った点。人間の脳みそを考えると、物体の範囲を捉えることのほうが、それが何の物体かを認識するのより時系列的に前にくるし簡単なはずなのに、機械にやらせると難易度が逆転するから逆方向に使える、という。「この写真には羊がいるっぽい。さて、どの辺かな?」って。




ICDM 2009 Submission

I submitted a paper to IEEE ICDM 2009 which will be held in Miami.

They say that there are 786 submissions, which is a new record for that conference. The acceptance ratio should be quite low...

Anyway, this must be the end of my paper submissions for publication in 2009. I have plans to submit a journal paper (required for my Ph.D. plan), a few to SIAM SDM 2009, and one co-authoring paper to some conference in other area. Of course, unexpected submission is a good thing :)





DMSS Workshop paper

My paper submitted to DMSS workshop has been accepted.

The paper addresses a kind of change detection problem on communication networks which are different from other network applications like social network analysis since the communication networks are not directly observable in general.

The workshop will be held on July 7-8 at Kyodai Kaikan next to Kyoto University, which is my familiar place. I'm thinking about where to go for lunch.

DMSS workshopに投稿した論文がアクセプトされた。

